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A Community Interest Company

Some formal points here about NAPA as a CIC:

NAPA has been since 2019 a ‘Community Interest Company’ (CIC), registered as such at Companies House, with our Articles of Association etc freely available online from there, and downloadable from the link provided below. These Articles follow the ‘Model Articles of Association]’ for CICs.

Formally, therefore, NAPA CIC consists solely of its individual Directors and Members, as listed on the 'About Us' page.

These individuals attend NAPA’s Executive committee, alongside NAPA’s Company Secretary. Therefore, formally, each of the individual IAPs who pay their invoice to NAPA each year, including each person from those IAPs who participates in NAPA business, are NAPA’s ‘associates’ (rather than ‘members’).

However, in practice, NAPA’s policy is that our business, including our AGM, should be ‘open’ rather than ‘closed’. Therefore, alongside NAPA’s Directors and Members, any individual Trustee or manager from the relevant IAPs who wishes to participate in the periodic “IAPs meetings”, or the AGM itself, is welcome – as an ‘associate’ - to participate, including by voting on any formal matters on the agenda that might be discussed.  (The structure and membership of the Executive as a whole was reviewed in 2022, and put onto a more structured footing.)

For ease of reference, the Articles of Association, as registered at Companies House, can be downloaded here.

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